Winter Deck Planning | Why You Should Start Planning Your New Deck Now
By Dave KileDuring these winter months, you may find yourself daydreaming about warmer days. Spring is right around the corner, so it’s the perfect time to start thinking about improving your outdoor living space.
Adding a deck to your home is a fantastic way to create an inviting outdoor living space where you can spend quality time soaking up the sunshine (once it’s back again). Now is a wonderful time to start planning your deck. Planning early gives you the most time to find the funds to build, have your pick of dates on your builder’s calendar, and enjoy your newly-built deck before next winter.
Why Plan Your Deck in Winter?
Outdoor living space may be the last thing on your mind when it’s cold outside, but this is the ideal time to start planning your deck. Here are the top 3 reasons to plan now!
1. Get your builder’s full attention before they enter their busy season. Winter tends to be a slower time of the year for builders, so when you start planning your project during the winter it will be easier to contact your builder, you will have plenty of time to design your perfect deck and their calendar will be more open for you to select your start date on construction.
2. Save money for your project. When you start planning early, you’ll know the approximate cost that you will need to budget in order to build your perfect deck. This will give you time to save money to complete your project or figure out financing options that will work for you. Many people also receive tax refunds during the last few months of winter, and if that’s the case for you, you’ll have a little influx of extra cash to put toward your deck.
3. Start your project early so you can get maximum enjoyment time outside. If you wait until later in the summer to start building your deck, you may only get a few months of good weather to enjoy your outdoor living space. When you start the planning process sooner, you can start construction earlier in the season, giving you the most time to enjoy your new outdoor living space.
Why Choose Trex RainEscape?
It doubles the outdoor living space. You won’t worry about the drizzly spring months when you have your dry, outdoor living area below your deck to enjoy!
It protects the substructure from moisture. The last thing you want is for moisture to eat away at your investment by compromising the deck substructure. Trex RainEscape creates a dry living space for you to enjoy a place out of the rain. It also completely covers the decking substructure to protect it from moisture that can lead to rot and decay.
It provides enjoyment today and a return on investment tomorrow. Building with Trex RainEscape gives you an amazing outdoor living space to enjoy while you own your house and makes an excellent selling point to give you a return on your investment if you choose to move.
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Looking for some deck inspiration? Check out these amazing Trex RainEscape creations!